Winning a kaggle Competition 教你如何噶韭菜


看了DataCamp的Winning a Kaggle Competition in Python , 觉得有点用的就是介绍Target encoding的那部分. 丫的压根就没教我怎么Winning. 我肯定也是被收智商税的一类人, 幸好课程是白嫖的. Visual Studio Dev Essentials 送了俩月的DataCamp订阅.

唯一让我觉得新鲜的, 就是target encoding, 因为之前没看过. 其他的都是泛泛而谈.


Target encoding

Mean target encoding

  • smoothing

  • 在训练集上计算均值, 应用到测试集上

  • oof, 在某个kfold上计算, 应用到(k-1)fold上
# 在训练集上计算均值, 在测试集上应用mean target encoding
def test_mean_target_encoding(train, test, target, categorical, alpha=5):
    # Calculate global mean on the train data
    global_mean = train[target].mean()

    # Group by the categorical feature and calculate its properties
    train_groups = train.groupby(categorical)
    category_sum = train_groups[target].sum()
    category_size = train_groups.size()

    # Calculate smoothed mean target statistics
    train_statistics = (category_sum + global_mean * alpha) / (category_size + alpha)

    # Apply statistics to the test data and fill new categories
    test_feature = test[categorical].map(train_statistics).fillna(global_mean)
    return test_feature.values

# 在训练集上oof, 应用mean target encoding
def train_mean_target_encoding(train, target, categorical, alpha=5):
    # Create 5-fold cross-validation
    kf = KFold(n_splits=5, random_state=123, shuffle=True)
    train_feature = pd.Series(index=train.index)

    # For each folds split
    for train_index, test_index in kf.split(train):
        cv_train, cv_test = train.iloc[train_index], train.iloc[test_index]

        # Calculate out-of-fold statistics and apply to cv_test
        cv_test_feature = test_mean_target_encoding(cv_train, cv_test, target, categorical, alpha)

        # Save new feature for this particular fold
        train_feature.iloc[test_index] = cv_test_feature       
    return train_feature.values

#调用上述两个函数, 分别对训练集和测试集做target encoding
def mean_target_encoding(train, test, target, categorical, alpha=5):

    # Get test feature
    test_feature = test_mean_target_encoding(train, test, target, categorical, alpha)

    # Get train feature
    train_feature = train_mean_target_encoding(train, target, categorical, alpha)

    # Return new features to add to the model
    return train_feature, test_feature

在K-fold CV中使用 target encoding

# Create 5-fold cross-validation
kf = KFold(n_splits=5, random_state=123, shuffle=True)

# For each folds split
for train_index, test_index in kf.split(bryant_shots):
    cv_train, cv_test = bryant_shots.iloc[train_index], bryant_shots.iloc[test_index]

    # Create mean target encoded feature
    cv_train['game_id_enc'], cv_test['game_id_enc'] = mean_target_encoding(train=cv_train,
    # Look at the encoding
    print(cv_train[['game_id', 'shot_made_flag', 'game_id_enc']].sample(n=1))

Missing Data

Numerical data
- Mean/Median imputation - Constant value imputation (-999)

Categorical data
- 高频项
- 新值 (MISS)

sklearn.impute SimpleImputer

# Import SimpleImputer
from sklearn.impute import SimpleImputer

# Create mean imputer
mean_imputer = SimpleImputer(strategy='mean')

# Price imputation
rental_listings[['price']] = mean_imputer.fit_transform(rental_listings[['price']])

# Import SimpleImputer
from sklearn.impute import SimpleImputer

# Create constant imputer
constant_imputer = SimpleImputer(strategy='constant', fill_value='MISSING')

# building_id imputation
rental_listings[['building_id']] = constant_imputer.fit_transform(rental_listings[['building_id']])

Baseline Model

Hyperparameter tuning

Competition type Feature engineering Hyperparameter optimization
Classic Machine Learning +++ +
Deep Learning - +++
  • Grid search
  • Random search
  • Bayesian optimization

Model ensemble

  • blending
  • 多个模型, 取平均
  • stacking
  • 多层预测
  • 第一层模型的预测结果, 作为第二层模型的输入特征


from sklearn.ensemble import GradientBoostingRegressor, RandomForestRegressor

# Train a Gradient Boosting model
gb = GradientBoostingRegressor().fit(train[features], train['fare_amount'])

# Train a Random Forest model
rf = RandomForestRegressor().fit(train[features], train['fare_amount'])

# Make predictions on the test data
test['gb_pred'] = gb.predict(test[features])
test['rf_pred'] = rf.predict(test[features])

# Find mean of model predictions
test['blend'] = (test['gb_pred'] + test['rf_pred']) / 2
print(test[['gb_pred', 'rf_pred', 'blend']].head(3))


from sklearn.model_selection import train_test_split
from sklearn.ensemble import GradientBoostingRegressor, RandomForestRegressor

# Split train data into two parts
part_1, part_2 = train_test_split(train, test_size=0.5, random_state=123)

# Train a Gradient Boosting model on Part 1
gb = GradientBoostingRegressor().fit(part_1[features], part_1.fare_amount)

# Train a Random Forest model on Part 1
rf = RandomForestRegressor().fit(part_1[features], part_1.fare_amount)

# Make predictions on the Part 2 data
part_2['gb_pred'] = gb.predict(part_2[features])
part_2['rf_pred'] = rf.predict(part_2[features])

# Make predictions on the test data
test['gb_pred'] = gb.predict(test[features])
test['rf_pred'] = rf.predict(test[features])

from sklearn.linear_model import LinearRegression

# Create linear regression model without the intercept
lr = LinearRegression(fit_intercept=False)

# Train 2nd level model in the part_2 data[['gb_pred', 'rf_pred']], part_2.fare_amount)

# Make stacking predictions on the test data
test['stacking'] = lr.predict(test[['gb_pred', 'rf_pred']])

# Look at the model coefficients


  1. Save folds
  2. Save model runs
  3. Save model predictions
  4. Save performance results

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