Extreme Gradient Boosting with XGBoost - 再一次迷信


看了DataCamp的Extreme Gradient Boosting with XGBoost , 按照章节标题记录一下.


  • XGBoost for classification
  • XGBoost for regression
  • Tuning most important hyperparameters
  • Incorporating XGBoost into sklearn pipeline


I try to tune parameters based on my understanding of the data and the theory behind an algorithm, I won’t feel safe if I can’t explain why the result is better or worse.

但是, 这个真的没有银弹可用吗, 这个系列介绍的大部分工作, 参数搜索, 感觉用机器直接暴力迭代就成了. 并不需要

understanding of the data and the theory behind an algorithm

当然也是有些新内容学的, 比如知道调整的参数都是什么意思了.

Decision tree


What is Boosting?

emm, 就是在介绍Boosting, 很多其他地方都介绍过了.

一个xgb cv的例子

# Create the DMatrix: churn_dmatrix
churn_dmatrix = xgb.DMatrix(data=churn_data.values[:, :-1], label=churn_data.month_5_still_here)

# Create the parameter dictionary: params
params = {"objective":"reg:logistic", "max_depth":3}

# Perform cross-validation: cv_results
cv_results = xgb.cv(dtrain=churn_dmatrix, params=params, nfold=3, num_boost_round=5, metrics="error", as_pandas=True, seed=123)

# Print cv_results

# Print the accuracy

# Perform cross_validation: cv_results
cv_results = xgb.cv(dtrain=churn_dmatrix, params=params, nfold=3, num_boost_round=5, metrics="auc", as_pandas=True, seed=123)

# Print cv_results

# Print the AUC

Regression review

我以前没有注意过XGBoost两种API风格的区别, 分别是 sci-kit learning api 和 learning api.

其中的一个区别是sci-kit 风格的API使用n_estimators指定树的数量,
learning api使用num_boost_round指定树的数量, 虽然树的数量和迭代次数是一个意思.

sci-kit learning api

# Create the training and test sets
X_train, X_test, y_train, y_test = train_test_split(X, y, test_size=0.2, random_state=123)

# Instantiate the XGBRegressor: xg_reg
xg_reg = xgb.XGBRFRegressor(objective="reg:linear", n_estimators=10)

# Fit the regressor to the training set
xg_reg.fit(X_train, y_train)

# Predict the labels of the test set: preds
preds = xg_reg.predict(X_test)

# Compute the rmse: rmse
rmse = np.sqrt(mean_squared_error(y_test, preds))
print("RMSE: %f" % (rmse))

learning API

# Convert the training and testing sets into DMatrixes: DM_train, DM_test
DM_train = xgb.DMatrix(X_train, y_train)
DM_test =  xgb.DMatrix(X_test, y_test)

# Create the parameter dictionary: params
params = {"objective":"reg:linear", "booster":"gblinear"}

# Train the model: xg_reg
xg_reg = xgb.train(params = params, dtrain=DM_train, num_boost_round=5)

# Predict the labels of the test set: preds
preds = xg_reg.predict(DM_test)

# Compute and print the RMSE
rmse = np.sqrt(mean_squared_error(y_test,preds))
print("RMSE: %f" % (rmse))

Regularization and base learners in XGBoost

Base learners in XGB
  • Linear Base Learner
    • 几乎不用, 线性模型的线性组合, 仍然是线性的
  • Tree Base Learner
    • 非线性模型的线性组合

调整L2正则项的一个例子, 这里xgb.cv返回的是一个pandas datafram, 有n棵树, 就有n行结果.

# Create the DMatrix: housing_dmatrix
housing_dmatrix = xgb.DMatrix(data=X, label=y)

reg_params = [1, 10, 100]

# Create the initial parameter dictionary for varying l2 strength: params
params = {"objective":"reg:linear","max_depth":3}

# Create an empty list for storing rmses as a function of l2 complexity
rmses_l2 = []

# Iterate over reg_params
for reg in reg_params:

    # Update l2 strength
    params["lambda"] = reg

    # Pass this updated param dictionary into cv
    cv_results_rmse = xgb.cv(dtrain=housing_dmatrix, params=params, nfold=2, num_boost_round=5, metrics="rmse", as_pandas=True, seed=123)

    # Append best rmse (final round) to rmses_l2

# Look at best rmse per l2 param
print("Best rmse as a function of l2:")
print(pd.DataFrame(list(zip(reg_params, rmses_l2)), columns=["l2", "rmse"]))

XGBoost 树的可视化

# Create the DMatrix: housing_dmatrix
housing_dmatrix = xgb.DMatrix(data=X, label=y)

# Create the parameter dictionary: params
params = {"objective":"reg:linear", "max_depth":2}

# Train the model: xg_reg
xg_reg = xgb.train(params=params, dtrain=housing_dmatrix, num_boost_round=10)

# Plot the first tree
xgb.plot_tree(xg_reg, num_trees=0)

# Plot the fifth tree
xgb.plot_tree(xg_reg, num_trees=4)

# Plot the last tree sideways
xgb.plot_tree(xg_reg, num_trees=9)

feature importance

# Create the DMatrix: housing_dmatrix
housing_dmatrix = xgb.DMatrix(X, y)

# Create the parameter dictionary: params
params = {"objective": "reg:linear", "max_depth":4}

# Train the model: xg_reg
xg_reg = xgb.train(params=params, dtrain=housing_dmatrix, num_boost_round=10)

# Plot the feature importances

Why tune your model?

使用early stopping调整迭代次数

# Create your housing DMatrix: housing_dmatrix
housing_dmatrix = xgb.DMatrix(data=X, label=y)

# Create the parameter dictionary for each tree: params
params = {"objective":"reg:linear", "max_depth":4}

# Perform cross-validation with early stopping: cv_results
cv_results = xgb.cv(params=params, dtrain=housing_dmatrix, nfold=3, metrics='rmse',seed=123, as_pandas=True, early_stopping_rounds=50)

# Print cv_results

Overview of XGBoost's hyperparameters

  • learning rate/eta
  • gamma
    • min loss reducton to craete new tree
  • lambda
    • L2 reg
  • alhpa
    • L1 reg
  • max_depth
    • max depth per tree
  • subsample
    • % samples used per tree
  • calsample_bytree
    • % features used per tree

Linear tunable parameters - lambda - alpha - lambda_bias


# Create your housing DMatrix: housing_dmatrix
housing_dmatrix = xgb.DMatrix(data=X, label=y)

# Create the parameter dictionary for each tree (boosting round)
params = {"objective":"reg:linear", "max_depth":3}

# Create list of eta values and empty list to store final round rmse per xgboost model
eta_vals = [0.001, 0.01, 0.1]
best_rmse = []

# Systematically vary the eta 
for curr_val in eta_vals:

    params["eta"] = curr_val

    # Perform cross-validation: cv_results
    cv_results = xgb.cv(params=params, dtrain=housing_dmatrix, nfold=3, num_boost_round=10, early_stopping_rounds=5, metrics='rmse', seed=123)

    # Append the final round rmse to best_rmse

# Print the resultant DataFrame
print(pd.DataFrame(list(zip(eta_vals, best_rmse)), columns=["eta","best_rmse"]))


# Create your housing DMatrix
housing_dmatrix = xgb.DMatrix(data=X,label=y)

# Create the parameter dictionary
params = {"objective":"reg:linear"}

# Create list of max_depth values
max_depths = [2, 5, 10, 20]
best_rmse = []

# Systematically vary the max_depth
for curr_val in max_depths:

    params["max_depth"] = curr_val

    # Perform cross-validation
    cv_results = xgb.cv(params=params, dtrain=housing_dmatrix, nfold=2, num_boost_round=10, early_stopping_rounds=5, metrics='rmse', seed=123)

    # Append the final round rmse to best_rmse

# Print the resultant DataFrame
print(pd.DataFrame(list(zip(max_depths, best_rmse)),columns=["max_depth","best_rmse"]))

#   max_depth     best_rmse
#0          2  37957.468750
#1          5  35596.601562
#2         10  36065.546875
#3         20  36739.578125


# Create your housing DMatrix
housing_dmatrix = xgb.DMatrix(data=X,label=y)

# Create the parameter dictionary

# Create list of hyperparameter values: colsample_bytree_vals
colsample_bytree_vals = [0.1, 0.5, 0.8, 1]
best_rmse = []

# Systematically vary the hyperparameter value 
for curr_val in colsample_bytree_vals:

    params['colsample_bytree'] = curr_val

    # Perform cross-validation
    cv_results = xgb.cv(dtrain=housing_dmatrix, params=params, nfold=2,
                 num_boost_round=10, early_stopping_rounds=5,
                 metrics="rmse", as_pandas=True, seed=123)

    # Append the final round rmse to best_rmse

# Print the resultant DataFrame
print(pd.DataFrame(list(zip(colsample_bytree_vals, best_rmse)), columns=["colsample_bytree","best_rmse"]))

#    colsample_bytree     best_rmse
# 0               0.1  48193.453125
# 1               0.5  36013.541015
# 2               0.8  35932.962891
# 3               1.0  35836.042969

Review of grid search and random search


  • Grid search
  • random search

Grid search的例子

# Create your housing DMatrix: housing_dmatrix
housing_dmatrix = xgb.DMatrix(data=X, label=y)

# Create the parameter grid: gbm_param_grid
gbm_param_grid = {
    'colsample_bytree': [0.3, 0.7],
    'n_estimators': [50],
    'max_depth': [2, 5]

# Instantiate the regressor: gbm
gbm = xgb.XGBRegressor()

# Perform grid search: grid_mse
grid_mse = GridSearchCV(estimator=gbm,param_grid=gbm_param_grid, scoring='neg_mean_squared_error', cv=4, verbose=1)

# Fit grid_mse to the data
grid_mse.fit(X, y)

# Print the best parameters and lowest RMSE
print("Best parameters found: ", grid_mse.best_params_)
print("Lowest RMSE found: ", np.sqrt(np.abs(grid_mse.best_score_)))

# Best parameters found:  {'colsample_bytree': 0.7, 'max_depth': 5, 'n_estimators': 50}
# Lowest RMSE found:  29916.562522854438

Random Search 例子

# Create the parameter grid: gbm_param_grid 
gbm_param_grid = {
    'n_estimators': [25],
    'max_depth': range(2, 12)

# Instantiate the regressor: gbm
gbm = xgb.XGBRegressor(n_estimators=10)

# Perform random search: grid_mse
randomized_mse = RandomizedSearchCV(param_distributions=gbm_param_grid, estimator=gbm, scoring='neg_mean_squared_error', cv=4, verbose=1)

# Fit randomized_mse to the data
randomized_mse.fit(X, y)

# Print the best parameters and lowest RMSE
print("Best parameters found: ", randomized_mse.best_params_)
print("Lowest RMSE found: ", np.sqrt(np.abs(randomized_mse.best_score_)))

# Best parameters found:  {'n_estimators': 25, 'max_depth': 5}
# Lowest RMSE found:  36636.35808132903

Limits of grid search and random search

  • Grid Search
    • 十分耗时,
  • Random Search
    • 参数空间增大后, 随机搜索会, 太随机

Review of pipelines using sklearn

  • Take a list of named 2-tuples(name, pipeline_step) as input
  • Tuples can contain any arbitrary scikit-learn compatible estimator
  • Pipeline implements fit/predict
  • Use as input estimator into grid/random search, cv methods

Label encoder 例子

# Import LabelEncoder
from sklearn.preprocessing import LabelEncoder

# Fill missing values with 0
df.LotFrontage = df.LotFrontage.fillna(0)

# Create a boolean mask for categorical columns
categorical_mask = (df.dtypes == object)

# Get list of categorical column names
categorical_columns = df.columns[categorical_mask].tolist()

# Print the head of the categorical columns

# Create LabelEncoder object: le
le = LabelEncoder()

# Apply LabelEncoder to categorical columns
df[categorical_columns] = df[categorical_columns].apply(lambda x: le.fit_transform(x))

# Print the head of the LabelEncoded categorical columns


# Import OneHotEncoder
from sklearn.preprocessing import OneHotEncoder

# Create OneHotEncoder: ohe
ohe = OneHotEncoder(categorical_features=categorical_mask, sparse=False)

# Apply OneHotEncoder to categorical columns - output is no longer a dataframe: df_encoded
df_encoded = ohe.fit_transform(df)

# Print first 5 rows of the resulting dataset - again, this will no longer be a pandas dataframe
print(df_encoded[:5, :])

# Print the shape of the original DataFrame

# Print the shape of the transformed array


# Import DictVectorizer
from sklearn.feature_extraction import DictVectorizer

# Convert df into a dictionary: df_dict
df_dict = df.to_dict("records")

# Create the DictVectorizer object: dv
dv = DictVectorizer(sparse=False)

# Apply dv on df: df_encoded
df_encoded = dv.fit_transform(df_dict)

# Print the resulting first five rows

# Print the vocabulary


# Import necessary modules
from sklearn.feature_extraction import DictVectorizer
from sklearn.pipeline import Pipeline

# Fill LotFrontage missing values with 0
X.LotFrontage = X.LotFrontage.fillna(0)

# Setup the pipeline steps: steps
steps = [("ohe_onestep", DictVectorizer(sparse=False)),
         ("xgb_model", xgb.XGBRegressor())]

# Create the pipeline: xgb_pipeline
xgb_pipeline = Pipeline(steps)

# Fit the pipeline
xgb_pipeline.fit(X.to_dict('records'), y)

Incorporating XGBoost into pipelines

sklearn.model_selection.cross_val_score(estimator, X, y=None, groups=None, scoring=None, cv=’warn’, n_jobs=None, verbose=0, fit_params=None, pre_dispatch=‘2*n_jobs’, error_score=’raise-deprecating’)


# Import necessary modules
from sklearn.feature_extraction import DictVectorizer
from sklearn.pipeline import Pipeline
from sklearn.model_selection import cross_val_score

# Fill LotFrontage missing values with 0
X.LotFrontage = X.LotFrontage.fillna(0)

# Setup the pipeline steps: steps
steps = [("ohe_onestep", DictVectorizer(sparse=False)),
         ("xgb_model", xgb.XGBRegressor(max_depth=2, objective="reg:linear"))]

# Create the pipeline: xgb_pipeline
xgb_pipeline = Pipeline(steps)

# Cross-validate the model
cross_val_scores = cross_val_score(xgb_pipeline, X.to_dict('records'), y, cv=10, scoring='neg_mean_squared_error')

# Print the 10-fold RMSE
print("10-fold RMSE: ", np.mean(np.sqrt(np.abs(cross_val_scores))))

# 10-fold RMSE:  29867.603720688923

More, 这里用了Chronic_Kidney_Disease Data Set

case study 1: DataFrameMapper

# Import necessary modules
from sklearn_pandas import DataFrameMapper
from sklearn_pandas import CategoricalImputer

# Check number of nulls in each feature column
nulls_per_column = X.isnull().sum()

# Create a boolean mask for categorical columns
categorical_feature_mask = X.dtypes == object

# Get list of categorical column names
categorical_columns = X.columns[categorical_feature_mask].tolist()

# Get list of non-categorical column names
non_categorical_columns = X.columns[~categorical_feature_mask].tolist()

# Apply numeric imputer
numeric_imputation_mapper = DataFrameMapper(
                                            [([numeric_feature], Imputer(strategy="median")) for numeric_feature in non_categorical_columns],

# Apply categorical imputer
categorical_imputation_mapper = DataFrameMapper(
                                                [(category_feature, CategoricalImputer) for category_feature in categorical_columns],

case study 2: Feature Union

# Import FeatureUnion
from sklearn.pipeline import FeatureUnion

# Combine the numeric and categorical transformations
numeric_categorical_union = FeatureUnion([
                                          ("num_mapper", numeric_imputation_mapper),
                                          ("cat_mapper", categorical_imputation_mapper)


# Create full pipeline
pipeline = Pipeline([
                     ("featureunion", numeric_categorical_union),
                     ("dictifier", Dictifier()),
                     ("vectorizer", DictVectorizer(sort=False)),
                     ("clf", xgb.XGBClassifier(max_depth=3))

# Perform cross-validation
cross_val_scores = cross_val_score(pipeline, kidney_data, y, scoring="roc_auc", cv=3)

# Print avg. AUC
print("3-fold AUC: ", np.mean(cross_val_scores))

Tuning XGBoost hyperparameters

class sklearn.model_selection.RandomizedSearchCV(estimator, param_distributions, n_iter=10, scoring=None, n_jobs=None, iid=’warn’, refit=True, cv=’warn’, verbose=0, pre_dispatch=‘2*n_jobs’, random_state=None, error_score=’raise-deprecating’, return_train_score=False)

All in one

# Create the parameter grid
gbm_param_grid = {
    'clf__learning_rate': np.arange(0.05, 1, 0.05),
    'clf__max_depth': np.arange(3, 10, 1),
    'clf__n_estimators': np.arange(50, 200, 50)

# Perform RandomizedSearchCV
randomized_roc_auc = RandomizedSearchCV(estimator=pipeline, param_distributions=gbm_param_grid, n_iter=2, scoring='roc_auc', verbose=1)

# Fit the estimator
randomized_roc_auc.fit(X, y)

# Compute metrics

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